Category: Social Media

Understanding and Creating Facebook Lead Ads, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog, we discussed the basics and early steps of creating high-value Facebook lead ads. These ads are dedicated to targeting specific audiences using syncing and other basic themes, allowing you to increase eyes on your brand and your overall customer base. At SEO Werkz, this kind of work is […]

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Rules and Themes for Public Image Search and Social Media Posts

There are several factors that go into creating strong, useful social media posts as part of internet marketing and branding efforts, and one that’s near the top of any list is images. Social media posts featuring images produce engagement that’s 650 percent higher than text-only posts, serving as a way to quickly capture people’s attention […]

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Choosing and Sizing Business Facebook Cover Photo

Every detail matters if you’re a business utilizing various social media channels for online marketing efforts, and a great example is Facebook. Even if you only focus on certain specific ad areas or metrics when it comes to Facebook, the full scope of how you present yourself can mean a lot for your impressions and […]

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Addressing Negative Social Feedback on Twitter

All businesses would love if their social media feeds were nothing but positivity and great customer reviews, but unfortunately this is virtually never the case. People are more than twice as likely to share negative interactions publicly than they are to share positive ones, and one of the primary social media outlets for this will […]

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Tactics for Scheduling Social Media, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog, we went over the top factor in your social media advertising schedule: Which social networks you’re on to begin with. This is just one important segment of this theme, however. At SEO Werkz, our social media marketing experts can help you with everything from these basic decisions to […]

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Basics on Uploading YouTube Videos, Part 1

Did you realize that every single month, over 1.5 billion users visit and use YouTube? This social network is massive when it comes to the sharing of videos, and this is an area that all internet marketing pros should be capitalizing on within their efforts. At SEO Werkz, we can help with YouTube and any […]

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Basics on Uploading YouTube Videos, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog, we went over some of the initial steps and basics to uploading a YouTube video. This network is vital for many online marketing pros to really maximize their reach, but some business owners have very little experience using the platform. At SEO Werkz, our social media services include […]

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Tactics for Scheduling Social Media, Part 1

Scheduling is important for any business in several areas, and one such area you might not consider in these terms – but should – is social media marketing and posting. Having a dedicated schedule for all your social media areas will help you stay on top of things and separate yourself from the competition. At […]

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Maximizing Social Media Marketing Channels, Part 1

For internet marketing pros everywhere, success in the year 2020 is virtually impossible without the proper attention paid to social media marketing. Social media has become a massive and widely-used method of sharing marketing and branding information, from linking to business websites to promoting products, sales or new services. At SEO Werkz, we offer comprehensive […]

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Using Your Social Media Budget Properly

Just a decade or so ago, the world of social media marketing was sporadically used by online marketing pros and brands. Much of the content was free, unlike it is today, and you didn’t need a huge budget to get results even if you were part of the small minority using these services regularly. This […]

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SEO Werkz is a full-service Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services company offering results-driven services and exceptional customer support. Our web marketing services include Social Media, Link Building, Local Search, PPC, Content Creation, Web Design, and Retargeting.
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