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News, Tips & Trends For Online Marketing

How to Use Google Business Profiles to Boost Local SEO

Google Business Profile, formerly known as Google My Business, is a free tool provided by Google that allows businesses and organizations to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps.    In this guide we will cover   What is GBP? Why is GBP Important How do you set up a GBP account […]

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A How-To On Content Marketing 

There are several important pieces of the puzzle when it comes to effective digital marketing campaigns, and content marketing is one of the single most vital areas here. Great content will separate you from the competition while also encouraging search engines like Google to view your pages more favorably; on the flip side, a lack […]

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Landing Pages and Content Marketing

There are several concepts that are vital to digital marketers and business owners looking to maximize their returns, and one of these is content. The phrase "content is king" is regularly heard throughout the SEO world, but it's important to recognize that content can be formatted and brought to clients and search engines in several […]

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Toxic Backlink Prevention, Removal and Disavowing

There are several ranking factors that play a major SEO role with Google and other search engines, and one of the single most important and consistent remains backlinks. The presence of high-quality links that signal domain authority to Google is absolutely vital within SEO efforts, but not all backlinks created can be of the same […]

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Short URLs

Business owners and marketing pros alike are always looking for ways to make their websites more attractive to both users and search engine crawlers, and one of several ways to do so is through proper optimization of the URLs on your site. Specifically, while there are a few nuances to consider within this realm, there's […]

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SEO Werkz Announces 2022 Acquisitions!

SEO Werkz, a leader in both local and national SEO and digital marketing services across hundreds of industries, is proud to announce some of its major recent acquisitions for the year 2022! SEO Werkz has been in operation for over nine years, providing Utah and national business clients with varied digital marketing solutions ranging from […]

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What is Social Media Crisis Management?

Things move extremely fast in the world of social media, and for business owners and social media managers, one example to be wary of here is the social media crisis. Many businesses will find themselves in some kind of such crisis, often accidentally, but like many other issues that may crop up within a marketing […]

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How to Optimize Social Content

There are a few channels that modern digital marketers and business owners simply must be attentive to when marketing their brand and products, and social media is at or near the top of any such list. Numerous consumers utilize social media to help them with product and purchasing decisions, and optimizing your business for these […]

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The Manifest Crowns SEO Werkz as One of the Most Reviewed SEO Agencies Globally

The SEO industry is cutthroat! A lot of companies are now prioritizing SEO for their digital efforts to help boost their businesses significantly. Thankfully, companies like SEO Werkz can guide you throughout the process. Our award-winning company is here to help you get started. Speaking of awards, we are delighted to announce that The Manifest […]

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GDPR: Impact on SEO, Compliance Themes and More

Technology has impacted the online marketing world in numerous ways throughout the decades, and one prominent theme here within recent years is tracking. Advances in AI have allowed for high levels of tracking within areas like ads and marketing, but this has also led to concerns about privacy and whether users have consented to bring […]

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SEO Werkz is a full-service Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services company offering results-driven services and exceptional customer support. Our web marketing services include Social Media, Link Building, Local Search, PPC, Content Creation, Web Design, and Retargeting.
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