Category: Web Tips / Help

Metrics Used to Measure Success Within SEO

At SEO Werkz, your comprehensive partner for all SEO and online marketing solutions, one particular line of questioning is perhaps the single most common we get from our numerous clients: How do I track my progress and success? This is a completely viable question, as all business owners or marketing pros want to know what […]

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Choosing Between Website Redesign and CRO Solutions

If your website has recently been suffering in terms of performance, you may be considering a few different approaches for helping remedy this. Two of the most common options within the SEO and online marketing world for websites dealing with these concerns: Either redesigning the website itself, or taking part in a process known as […]

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Understanding and Optimizing for Compounding SEO

Long-term success is the goal of the vast majority of business owners, and is generally reflected in marketing efforts of all types. And when it comes to SEO and related forms of digital marketing, this desire is reflected in what’s known as a compounding effect. At SEO Werkz, it’s our goal to create long-term, viable […]

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Use of Call Tracking and CallRail in Online Marketing

There are several areas where pay-per-click advertising, or PPC for short, differs somewhat from SEO and related online marketing efforts, and one example is an option known as call tracking. Carried out by major companies like CallRail plus a number of other providers, call tracking is a form of marketing technology related to digital advertising […]

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Bounce Rate, Related Metrics and Proper SEO Uses

There are a number of metrics that may play a role in your business’s SEO and online marketing efforts, and one of these for many is known as bounce rate. And while this metric can be very important and meaningful in some settings, there are also others where it is regularly misunderstood or misused. At SEO […]

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How to Positively Respond to Negative Reviews

For a huge number of businesses in a variety of industries, reviews are some of the most important factors that help drive success. And while all business owners would certainly prefer to never receive them, a reality in the world of online marketing is that negative reviews will crop up from time to time – […]

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SEO Werkz’ Chris Siebeneck on the Big Brand Theory Pod

At SEO Werkz, we’re here to not only provide quality SEO and related online marketing services, but also to help educate our clients and others in the industry on this vital field. Search engine optimization and related solutions are vital for many businesses, and having a broad understanding of various concepts within this world pays […]

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Google Page Experience Update: SEO Impact and Preparation

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on the upcoming Google page experience update. First announced in May of 2020, this update is targeted directly at prioritizing sites and pages with great user experience, from loading speed to several other areas. At SEO Werkz, we offer a wide range […]

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Google Page Experience Update: Basics and Core Web Vitals

In late May of 2020, Google announced that they would soon be making a major update on ranking signals surrounding page experience. Due to both the pandemic and other issues, the rollout of this update was delayed – it has not yet hit, but is expected within the next few months in 2021. At SEO […]

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Website Backlinks: What Makes a Good Backlink

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on website backlinks and how they work within the digital marketing world. Referring to links from other sites that are relevant for several reasons, from rankings to referral traffic and more, backlinks are one of the top themes SEO experts […]

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SEO Werkz is a full-service Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services company offering results-driven services and exceptional customer support. Our web marketing services include Social Media, Link Building, Local Search, PPC, Content Creation, Web Design, and Retargeting.
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