Category: Web Design

Site Migration Mistakes to Avoid, Part 1

In a few of our recent posts here, we’ve discussed some of the basics of site migrations. Within the world of SEO and internet marketing, site migrations are both incredibly common and hugely important. These events, which describe changes in any area that affects search engine optimization, can be done sub-optimally if you don’t have […]

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Steps of the Site Migration Process

We’ve been talking a lot in this space recently about site migrations, an essential area of internet marketing across numerous industries. This process, which involves any major site changes that might impact SEO, is highly detailed and requires careful planning to execute properly. Broadly speaking, what are the steps you’ll follow during this process? Here […]

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Site Migration Mistakes to Avoid, Part 2

Recently in this space, we discussed some of the major pitfalls that can come with a site migration that isn’t done properly. A site migration is a detailed and involved process, and you need an SEO consultant that has been through it before and can guide you through it. With that in mind, here’s part […]

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New Website Design? Think About SEO First.

Effective SEO requires more than just good website design. Unless you optimize your site for the search engines, very little will come of your other efforts, no matter how stellar they may be. Today, it’s no longer enough to put your website together piecemeal. It must be conceived, designed and constructed to integrate visual elements, […]

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SEO Werkz is a full-service Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services company offering results-driven services and exceptional customer support. Our web marketing services include Social Media, Link Building, Local Search, PPC, Content Creation, Web Design, and Retargeting.
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