Category: Small Business

Retailer Tactics for Competing With Amazon, Part 1

For many retailers and similar businesses, Amazon is both the gold standard and a major problem when it comes to competition. Amazon is one of the world’s single largest companies, and its combination of speed, price, inventory and overall customer experience are a big part of why this is the case. Amazon is not perfect, […]

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Organic and Local SEO: Similarities and Differences, Part 1

Advances in modern technology have increased the number of ways potential customers can reach out to or otherwise interact with a business through its various online marketing channels, and those in the SEO field are well aware of these varying pathways. There are several distinct categories involved in search engine optimization and related marketing areas, […]

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Areas to Avoid in Google My Business Return

Google has announced it’s bringing back the business description field within Google My Business listings, an important development for online marketing pros. This return, which is already in testing, allows up to 750 characters rather than the crazy 4,500 that were part of the last iteration (the first was just 200, so they’ve been all […]

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SEO Werkz is a full-service Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services company offering results-driven services and exceptional customer support. Our web marketing services include Social Media, Link Building, Local Search, PPC, Content Creation, Web Design, and Retargeting.
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