offline events boost SEO link-building

Hosting Offline Events to Boost SEO Link-Building, Part 2

June 17, 2021

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the preparation tactics you can take before hosting an offline event aimed at increasing SEO link-building opportunities. These events, which double as fantastic in-person networking opportunities within your industry, are an outside-the-box way to increase your visibility and site presence simultaneously.

At SEO Werkz, our SEO team is always on the hunt for the sorts of advances that separate you from competitors in your sphere. In today’s part two, we’ll go over some areas you should consider during events that will help boost not only your link-building but also other areas of your branding – plus some approaches to take after the event that will help you capitalize on it properly.

Content Opportunities

Most internet marketing professionals are well aware of how valuable content is on any website, and this is doubly true for events aimed at boosting site strength. This is true whether you’re hosting an event, as we’re discussing in this series, or simple attending an event in your industry.

During events, it’s vital to post multiple daily blogs and other content on speakers, exercises, and any other notable areas. This kind of specific in-event content is often shared around by the attendees and speakers from the event itself. Be sure to share all relevant content opportunities on your social media page, especially if you’re hosting the event and have been promoting it through these channels – those who are not able to attend will still know to expect it. When sharing on social, always tag relevant parties in the hope that they’ll share as well.

offline events boost SEO link-building

Traditional Networking

As we’ve noted a couple times in this series, while these events are great opportunities to build online presence, they have traditional benefits as well. Most people attending these events will be doing so to network in various ways, and there will be industry leaders present with whom you can build partnerships and potential future arrangements.

Post-Event Tactics

A couple important areas to ensure you capitalize on after these kinds of offline events:

  • Social listening tools: Track any backlinks you’ve been able to build through the event. If certain sites have linked to you where you think partnerships might make sense for either business or content reasons, make efforts to communicate further with them.
  • Email follow-ups: Particularly if you or someone with your company speaks at the event or is a prominent host, collect email addresses for your list and ensure you send out information to them. Many companies choose to share and link presentations or other data given at the event, making it easy for that to be shared through email or social pages. If any of these new contacts thoroughly enjoyed the event, see if they’ll share the experience on their own blog.

For more on offline events and how they can help build backlinks and other brand exposure benefits, or to learn about any of our search engine optimization or web design services, speak to the staff at SEO Werkz today.

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