Category: Best Practices

Structured Data and Related SEO Best Practices, Part 3

In parts one and two of this multi-part blog series, we’ve been going over structured data on websites and the best formats for implementing it. Structured data is vital for allowing Google and other search engines to understand your site and page content, which in turn helps it properly rank it and display rich data […]

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Basics on Google’s Latest Algorithm Update, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog, we went over some of the basics of Google’s latest broad core algorithm update, which they confirmed took place on August 1. We talked about the statements Google has made on the subject, plus why multiple announcements were made. At SEO Werkz, you come to us for an […]

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Digital Marketing Survey Results, Part 2

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic trends found in a recent Clutch survey of over 500 digital marketing pros across the country. This survey found numerous interesting results for those in the online marketing world, including the revelation that under half of all businesses utilize SEO […]

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SEO Werkz is a full-service Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services company offering results-driven services and exceptional customer support. Our web marketing services include Social Media, Link Building, Local Search, PPC, Content Creation, Web Design, and Retargeting.
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