SEO link-building importance tactics

Primer on SEO Link-Building Importance and Tactics

November 1, 2022

There are several major buzzwords within the world of search engine optimization (SEO), and one many have heard of is “links.” Vital for certain specific areas of SEO and related website design, proper links can often make the difference between an optimized site and one that’s still lacking.

At SEO Werkz, our private label SEO services include comprehensive link-building from the top pros in the business. What does the term “link-building” signify, and why is it important to your brand’s SEO and internet marketing approach? Here’s a primer on these areas, plus some general ways we’ll go about assisting you in obtaining the optimal links for your site.

Link Building Basics and Importance

Put simply, link building refers to increasing the number of positive links that track from outside websites back to yours. One of the top qualities Google and other search engines are looking for in a given site is trustworthiness, and outside links are one of the top ways to showcase this – if your links come from high-quality, authoritative websites in related fields to yours, it will go an incredibly long way to boosting Google’s impression of your site’s authority and trustworthiness.

Now, as you might expect, Google is wary of companies trying to game this system for their own benefit. Included in their webmaster guidelines are several precautions that protect from this sort of thing, including prohibiting paying or otherwise incentivizing another site to link to your pages. There are also rules against creating outside links to your own site yourself. As a result, the process of link-building is a merit-based one that requires strong website design and other SEO best practices.

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Methods of Obtaining Links

While following Google’s guidelines and avoiding link-gaming approaches, there are a few ways you can go about obtaining links as part of your link-building process. They include:

  • Email: While you are prohibited from paying or incentivizing others to host links to your site on theirs, that doesn’t mean you can’t take the time to present your site and its qualities. One of the top formats for doing so is via email communication where you inform other brands and websites of your site and its content. Send genuine, relatable emails that specifically speak to how this site could benefit by linking to your own site.
  • Gap analysis: Another technique our SEO team will assist you with is known as link gap analysis, or searching for the link areas where your business is limited compared to others in your field. Analyzing competitors is a big part of succeeding in the SEO world, and this is one major example.

For more on the realm of link-building within SEO, or to learn about any of our SEO or PPC services, speak to the staff at SEO Werkz today.

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With a team of in-house experts culled from many different specializations, SEO Werkz has all the experience and knowledge needed to improve the performance of your website. Combine that level of expertise with SEO Werkz’s own suite of proprietary tools, techniques, and processes, and you have all the ingredients necessary for success today.

Whatever your consulting or analysis needs are, SEO Werkz will exceed your expectations. We’ll deliver expert analyses, reports & consulting that are of the highest quality in the industry and that are communicated to you in a clear, straightforward manner.

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SEO Werkz is a full-service Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services company offering results-driven services and exceptional customer support. Our web marketing services include Social Media, Link Building, Local Search, PPC, Content Creation, Web Design, and Retargeting.
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