SEO individually hiring team

Handling SEO Needs Individually Vs. Hiring an SEO Team, Part 1

June 17, 2021

If you’ve recently decided to focus more heavily on your company website and related search engine optimization (SEO) areas, you might be considering a common choice for business owners or online marketing managers. Do I attempt to handle SEO on my own, or do I hire an SEO team that will complete many of these areas for me?

At SEO Werkz, we’re proud to offer SEO services in varying packages, allowing our clients to determine their level of input and involvement to a great degree – we’re happy to work with clients in numerous areas if you’re interested in pushing many efforts forward yourself, or we’re happy to handle your SEO and related web design, PPC and other online marketing areas entirely while you focus on running your company in other ways. In this two-part blog series, we’ll go over this conundrum of self-completed SEO tasks compared to hiring an SEO team, including some important factors to consider while making this choice.

It’s Technically Possible

Technically speaking, it’s possible for non-SEO professionals and company owners to handle their own SEO. Areas like link outreach, blog writing and others involved in SEO can all be done by such individuals.

The primary issue here, however, relates back to time allotments and the limited number of hours in the day. SEO is a labor-intensive process in many cases, with a steep learning curve for those who have not been in the industry before. You’re liable to miss certain elements that might drop your rankings, for instance, or at-risk of failing to pick up on a recent change to a Google algorithm or program that needs close monitoring for SEO success. Simply put, if you want a robust SEO effort, most business owners and in-house employees simply don’t have the time and expertise available.

SEO individually hiring team

How SEO Teams Help

To get a bit more specific, here are a couple distinct areas where an SEO team provides expertise and services that usually are not realistic for non-professionals:

  • Publishing: At SEO Werkz, we’ve been working on our publishing network for over seven years – we have a great familiarity with it, allowing for several direct benefits to clients.
  • Technical SEO: There are several areas within SEO that are highly technical, from on-site optimization to meta data and others. Some of these areas can be done by company individuals, but this generally requires some oversight and direction from our SEO pros.

Outsourcing Themes

Some of the thematic benefits of outsourcing to SEO pros include:

  • Quicker implementation of SEO needs, particularly relative to Google updates or other timely scenarios.
  • Greater efficacy in SEO efforts based on years of experience and connections in the industry.
  • Ability to devote focus to other business areas and determine how much time you spend on SEO.
  • Ability to select the proper package for your budget.

For more on the many reasons you should strongly consider SEO pros over pushing forward in this area on your own, speak to the staff at SEO Werkz today.

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Why Choose SEO Werkz?

With a team of in-house experts culled from many different specializations, SEO Werkz has all the experience and knowledge needed to improve the performance of your website. Combine that level of expertise with SEO Werkz’s own suite of proprietary tools, techniques, and processes, and you have all the ingredients necessary for success today.

Whatever your consulting or analysis needs are, SEO Werkz will exceed your expectations. We’ll deliver expert analyses, reports & consulting that are of the highest quality in the industry and that are communicated to you in a clear, straightforward manner.

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SEO Werkz is a full-service Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services company offering results-driven services and exceptional customer support. Our web marketing services include Social Media, Link Building, Local Search, PPC, Content Creation, Web Design, and Retargeting.
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