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Tips for Starting a Business Twitter Account

June 17, 2021

Within the world of social media marketing, Twitter is becoming a more and more important tool. Any major branding effort that doesn’t involve Twitter is likely missing out on major demographics and growth areas, just like the one that doesn’t include a major site like Facebook.

If you’re a business just getting into the Twitter world, it may seem intimidating and foreign. Luckily, it’s actually very easy to navigate from a business standpoint – as long as you have the right strategic emphases. Here are some basic areas to consider as you’re getting started.

Username, Bio & Photo

For starters, it’s time to create the account basics. Remember that your username, or “handle,” is the basic call sign the public uses to identify your business – hope your exact business name is available, but if it isn’t, make it something your followers can still identify easily.

In addition, look for a picture and bio information that properly captures your business. Remember that most people who view your profile will do so with no prior knowledge about what you do – as such, your bio should be able to explain your business in very simple terms. The picture should make you stand out, and for existing customers, it should be one they already recognize.

The Right Follows

From here, it’s time to figure out who to follow. Accounts on your list should include other pros in the industry, friends of the business, other local businesses, colleagues, and in some cases even customers. Be sure to follow other businesses in your industry that are doing well to get a model for the kinds of tactics that work.

Introduction Tweet and Growing Your Network

Early on, it’s great to send a welcome tweet that lets people know the account isn’t a bot. You can pin this tweet to the top of your profile for the first few weeks.

In addition, it’s time to let your overall network know you’re on Twitter. This includes people on your email list and other various contact lists, and there are simple email templates to invite them to follow you.

Twitter Lists

Twitter lists allow you to organize the accounts you follow into groups based on any factors you choose. This can be very valuable for marketers to keep contacts organized.

Saving Searches

Saved searches are another way to organize content – this time by topic, rather than by the user. You can go back weeks or even months later to view a previous search.

Linking to Other Networks

A recent study showed that over 80 percent of all small business websites don’t have the proper linkage to their social media networks, including Twitter. Make sure you link your Twitter profile and your overall website to help organically build the following in both areas.

For more tips on starting up your business Twitter account, or to learn about any of our other SEO services, speak to the pros at SEO Werkz today.

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