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How 360-Degree Technology Can Help You

June 17, 2021

Facebook 360 first launched nearly three years ago, and it was initially viewed mostly as a fun and impressive new way for people to feel like they were a part of their friends’ pictures and experiences. In the field of internet marketing, some brands quickly viewed the new technology as an opportunity, where others viewed it with caution surrounding the effort required to see any real results from it.

As time has gone by, though, it’s become clear that at least some online marketing companies can benefit from Facebook 360 and its new technology. Let’s look at what this content is, how it can help you and where it might be headed in the future.

What is 360-Degree Content?

Facebook 360 isn’t technically considered virtual reality technology, though it shares some characteristics. From a brand perspective, 360-degree videos are a new, in-depth way for brands to connect with their audience.

Especially for any brand related to images or video, 360-degree technology can be a huge new step. It’s now a feature available on YouTube, and some video companies have begun using it for things like documentaries and other long form feature content. It can be accessed via desktop or mobile, a big consideration for some brands.

How can it Help Your Brand?

Facebook 360 has the potential to change the way your brand tells its story. The format is interactive – unlike still images or basic videos which allow no user involvement other than simply watching, 360-degree technology allows the user to take some semblance of control.

Maybe even more importantly, the non-linear format opens up huge avenues for brand marketing. People are able to discover things during their user experience – if formatted correctly, the things they’re “discovering” can be great branding opportunities or avenues to conversion. The more interaction and interest built through the platform, the better.

The Future of 360-Degree Content

Some may view 360-degree content as a fad, but it’s unlikely to be going anywhere. In the same way the app business for smart phones has continued to morph and grow as more detail and specificity has been added, 360-degree tech may do the same. At a certain point, the actual story being told will become more important than the technology being used to tell it, and the true depth of the medium will be understood.

Want to learn more about this, or any element of our search engine optimization services? Our friend SEO Werkz experts are standing by to assist you today.

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