maximizing social media marketing

Maximizing Social Media Marketing Channels, Part 2

June 17, 2021

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic tips we can offer on maximizing your reach and value provided by social media marketing channels. These channels are absolutely vital for all internet marketing pros and business owners, helping provide visibility and numerous insights into the success of your branding efforts.

At SEO Werkz, we proudly offer a variety of social media marketing services to complement our search engine optimization, PPC and web design services, among numerous others. In today’s part two, we’ll dig into a few additional tactics in this realm, including the incredible value you’ll often realize by employing social media marketing professionals like ours who understand the ins and outs of this world.

Keeping it Personable

One big mistake many businesses make with their social media posts is allowing the schedule to become too formulaic and generic. If followers of your various social media channels quickly realize you only post rote, boring content on a scheduled basis, they will soon tune out your posts, barely even skimming them before moving on to something else.

To avoid this risk, look for ways to make your posts personable, humanized and adding value to your potential clients. Use creative, genuine methods to showcase the way your products or services will benefit those viewing the post, making a difference to them. Make posts that engage prospective leads, whether it’s a glowing recent review or a comparison with competitors for services you know people are searching for.

maximizing social media marketing

Boosting Posts

For many businesses, moving into the paid boost world in social media is a vital and extremely valuable process. Boosting involves paying for additional exposure within social media channels, including the ability to choose your audience for posts and target those who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

It’s important to note that boosting can come in a variety of packages and expense formats. It can cost as little as $5 for some posts and up to thousands for other coordinated efforts, with targeting allowed for location, age, gender, interests and other demographics. Boosting features also will show you which kinds of posts are drawing the best results.

Hiring Social Media Professionals

Finally, working with dedicated, experienced professionals in the world of social media is a great way to increase your reach and exposure. Our social media team has years of specific experience helping craft ideal campaigns, from selecting the proper channels to prioritize to creating enticing content and designing the right boost purchases. We’ll help identify any inconsistencies or imperfections in your social media approach and work with you to maximize every related area.

For more on this or any of our SEO, PPC or web design services, speak to the staff at SEO Werkz today.

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Why Choose SEO Werkz?

With a team of in-house experts culled from many different specializations, SEO Werkz has all the experience and knowledge needed to improve the performance of your website. Combine that level of expertise with SEO Werkz’s own suite of proprietary tools, techniques, and processes, and you have all the ingredients necessary for success today.

Whatever your consulting or analysis needs are, SEO Werkz will exceed your expectations. We’ll deliver expert analyses, reports & consulting that are of the highest quality in the industry and that are communicated to you in a clear, straightforward manner.

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SEO Werkz is a full-service Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services company offering results-driven services and exceptional customer support. Our web marketing services include Social Media, Link Building, Local Search, PPC, Content Creation, Web Design, and Retargeting.
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