
3 Tips to Increase Website Traffic Today

June 17, 2021

When you increase website traffic for your business, you capture more leads and boost your chances of converting prospects to clients. And for most companies, conversions lead to sales, and in turn, higher revenues.

So what you need to do is increase your site’s visibility in order to get more traffic.

But how?

Using proven search engine optimization (SEO) techniques is imperative; otherwise Google and the other search engines won’t reward you with the rankings you need for potential customers to find you online. But in addition to your SEO optimization strategies, you can use other forms of digital marketing to help prospects can find their way to your website.

For a quicker way to increase your website traffic, try the three proven tricks below.

No. 1: Improve Your Website’s User Interface

Google favors sites that allow visitors to find what they’re looking for and accomplish what they need to do, quickly and without any problems, no matter what type of device they’re using.

If your site doesn’t render quickly and correctly across desktop computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, gaming systems and wearable devices, Google will penalize you. In fact, if your site isn’t optimized for mobile search, you won’t show up in the mobile SERPs at all.

And website security is critical right now — to Google as well as to your prospects and customers. If you haven’t made the transition from HTTP to HTTPS, Google will force the issue in the coming months. Meanwhile, your competitors who have made the transition already are getting preferential placement in the SERPs.

No. 2: Up Your Content Marketing Game

These days, Google favors engaging, well-written content over backlinks and other key metrics of SEO ranking. To drive more traffic to your website, add a constant supply of fresh content — two new blog posts a week is the sweet spot for most businesses.

To make Google happy, make sure your content addresses a problem or answers a question that your prospects have. Ensure that the reader can instantly recognize the value that your content potentially provides.

Ensure that your content is free of misspellings and errors in grammar and punctuation. You may not believe this is important, but we assure you, your prospects think they’re important.

Format your content using visual elements — photos, infographics, animation, etc. — and break up the text so that it’s visually appealing. Giant chunks of text are likely to get the TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) reaction. To help in this effort, make liberal use of reader-friendly text elements such as:

  • Numbered lists
  • Bulleted lists
  • Headings and subheadings
  • Text color variations

Finally, if you cite statistics or salient facts, include a link to an authoritative source. Authoritative sources include government statistics, peer-reviewed journals, professional publications and true subject-matter experts. Sites with .gov, .org or .edu extensions are usually good choices.

No. 3: Get Onboard with Local and Hyperlocal SEO

Local SEO is one of the most powerful tools you can use to drive more traffic to your website if you serve one or more geographic areas. Google, Bing and Yahoo all offer local search platforms.

If it works for your business, consider incorporating hyperlocal SEO elements into your digital marketing strategy. You can leverage organic or pay-per-click (PPC) strategies — or both — to drive more traffic to your website.

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to claim your Google My Business (GMB) account and ensure your information is current and accurate. You can give yourself an even bigger boost in web traffic if you work on building your collection of customer reviews within the Google interface.

You can increase your website traffic even more by adding areas-served pages to your website. Finally, if you start incorporating location-specific long-tail keywords and phrases into your content, you can better target even more well-qualified prospects in your area who are looking for your products and services.

Would you like a free consultation with one of the Be Locally SEO experts to learn more about how you can leverage internet marketing strategies to achieve your business goals? We use these and other proven digital marketing techniques — including web design, content marketing and Google AdWords campaigns — to help businesses achieve their sales and revenue goals. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you increase website traffic today.

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